What an exciting moment it was for McCallum and Piper’s Friend Ltd to launch the Piper’s Friend. It has been a long road for George Steele, with his endless designs and ideas, to finally see the finished product in its packaging has been a mile stone step we are all so proud and excited to achieve.
We are already hearing plenty of feedback about how easy it is to use and how much it is improving the way people are using their bagpipes.
Find below what we sent out to folks and learn how you can get in touch and purchase one.
Oh, and if you have a moment, leave us some feedback about how good it is to use.
All the best
Piper’s Friend Team
The Piper’s Friend™ has been heralded as the most efficient water trap for the bagpipe from bagpipe players who have tested it. Details and endorsements can be seen on our website https://pipersfriend.com.
Scientific testing consistently demonstrated reduction of humidity from ~60% to ~10% (as measured at ambient temperature) when the bagpipe is fully inflated. Reducing the amount of moisture getting into the bag is one of the most important features needed in bagpipe playing and a major benefit of owning the Piper’s Friend™.
The Piper’s Friend™ is quick and easy to replace making it efficient and hygienic, and with the low airflow resistance a piper won’t be impeded by it either.
Working closely with McCallum Bagpipes, considered world leaders in bagpipe making, Piper’s Friend™ are pleased to announce the launch of our product to you today.
For further information please contact the team at Piper’s Friend™ through our contact page or via McCallum Bagpipes to discuss how we can fill your order.
Visit us at https://pipersfriend.com or
Via Facebook at https://facebook.com/pipersfriend
Or call McCallum Bagpipes today and order yours to your door.